Language Swap

Find language learning partners with the help of a language swap ad. It is free and the language exchange (tandem) can be organized independently.

Should you be more interested in learning a language in a classroom environment, we recommend attending a course.

Please visit following pages for more detailed information on our German Courses and Foreign Language Courses.


How Does the Language Swap Work?

If you wish to teach a language and be taught another in exchange, please input your information into our database by filling out the appropriate form. This will result in your offer being posted on the bulletin board (e.g.: “Offer German, seek Albanian”). Obviously, you can also look for a suitable learning partner by browsing the offers already available on the bulletin board. Once you have found a potential learning partner, all you need to do is to contact her/him by email.

Your offer will be kept on the bulletin board for three months.

After posting your ad, you will receive an editing link via e-mail. Following the link will allow you to edit, prolong or delete your ad at any time. 

95 Results

Nathalie, 57


Offering: French,

Search: Russian,

preferred learning setting: Präsenzlernen

Sprachen, Gärtnern, Klavier

I would like to improve this language because...:
Ich mage einfach Sprachen lernen.

I especially want to improve the following areas:
Ich möchte meine Vorkenntnisse in allen Bereichen verbessern.

Online since 06.02.2025

Tomas Stehlik , 36


Offering: Czech,

Search: German, A2

preferred learning setting: Präsenzlernen

Fauna and flora of Central Europe, Ecology, Travelling, Family & Friends, Bit of History, Painting and expressing my thoughts in Colours, Hikes, Swimming and Reading

I would like to improve this language because...:
Honestly, because I want to be able communicate confidently in German language. My goal is to get a job in public scientific institution such as botanical garden, natural reserve or historic park where I can have educational interactions with visitors.

I especially want to improve the following areas:
Mainly, I would like to improve speaking and listening.

For almost two years I have been living in Vienna. I moved here with almost no German and have been speaking English mainly. I have attempted language course and have been studying German in my free time. In Vienna I am lacking someone for stressfree conversations though. I do love chatting about nature, films, music, friends, traveling and many others subjects

Czech is my mother language, so we can speak in Czech if interested. I also speak English as I spent nearly 15 years of my life in London. In the UK I completed various horticultural course and used to work in several public gardens.

If you find my resume interesting, then give me a shout, we can fix a date and see what's next.

Online since 05.02.2025

Mame, 31


Offering: Japanese,

Search: German,

preferred learning setting: Präsenzlernen

Ich bin auf der Suche nach einer Tandempartnerin. 女性のタンデムパートナーを探しています!
Wenn wir uns 1 mal pro Woche oder wenigstens 2 mal pro Woche treffen und zusammen lernen können, wäre es super!

I would like to improve this language because...:
Ich studiere gerade Musikpädagogik und muss unbedingt mein Deutsch verbessern, um in Wien als Lehrerin zu arbeiten.

I especially want to improve the following areas:

Ich mag Anime, Manga und Games, ich bin ein großer Fan von guten Drinks :)

Online since 03.02.2025

Stefan Fetzel, 34


Offering: German,

Search: Spanish, B1

preferred learning setting: Präsenzlernen

Klettern/ Bouldern
Rad fahren
wandern/ spazieren
Gitarre spielen/ singen

I would like to improve this language because...:
Spanisch liebe, hahah, wirklich

I especially want to improve the following areas:
Ich möchte vor allem alle Bereiche verbessern. Sprechen, hören, lesen, schreiben, Grammatik.

Online since 03.02.2025

Tinka-Katharina , 23

Soziale Arbeit/Sozialpädagogin

Offering: German,

Search: Russian, A2

preferred learning setting: Präsenzlernen

Sport, Kochen, Cafés, Arbeit mit Kindern & Jugendlichen,

I would like to improve this language because...:
Interesse, habe Basiskenntnisse aber möchte diese verbessern

I especially want to improve the following areas:
Kommunikation und Konversationen führen können, Gesprochenes verstehen können

Online since 03.02.2025

Ben, 29


Offering: German,

Search: French, A2

preferred learning setting: Präsenzlernen

Je cherche un partenaire pour un tandem allemand-francais. Allemand c'est ma langue maternelle. Le francais, maintenant, je le apprends à niveau A2. Je m'intéresse aux voyages, à la nature et à l'escalade.

I especially want to improve the following areas:
Surtout, je veux pratiquer mon expression orale.

Online since 01.02.2025

Tagir, 20

Außerordentlicher Student

Offering: Russian,

Search: German, B2

preferred learning setting: Präsenzlernen

Ich interessiere mich für Chemie, Physik , Motorräder, Musik ..
Ich möchte meine Sprache verbessern und kann dafür Russisch beibringen.

I would like to improve this language because...:
Ich möchte Studieren und sich sicher fühlen.

I especially want to improve the following areas:
Sprechen und hören

Online since 31.01.2025

Filippo Polenghi, 24

IKI Deutschkurs

Offering: Italian,

Search: German,

preferred learning setting: Präsenzlernen

Sport, Landwirtschaft, Musik

Sono un ragazzo di 24 anni e sto frequentando un corso di tedesco A1 e vorrei migliorare il mio tedesco. Mi piace fare passeggiate e chiacchierare. Parlo anche inglese.

Online since 31.01.2025

Zeyu Kuang, 29

Postdoc Researcher

Offering: English, C1

Search: German, A1

preferred learning setting: Präsenzlernen

I like writing, reading, and biking. My favorite book is The Great Gatsby. My favorite author is Ernest Hemingway. I even named my bike after him.

I would like to improve this language because...:
I just moved to Vienna and want to learn the language, explore the culture, and make friends.

I especially want to improve the following areas:
I mainly want to improve my listening and speaking in German.

I am from China, my mother tongue is Chinese. I speak English because I did my PhD in the U.S. (in phyics) for six years. I can communicate and help with either language.

I write often, so if you like writing (fiction, non-fiction, academic), I would love to meet you. We could chat and exchange ideas and works. And most importantly, to motivate each other, because damn writing is hard.

Online since 30.01.2025

Elizabeth, 20


Offering: Russian,

Search: German, B2

preferred learning setting: Präsenzlernen

Bücher, Museen, Musik, Psychologie, Computerspiele, Sprachen

I would like to improve this language because...:
Ich möchte Deutsch fließend sprechen, weil ich die Sprache selbst mag und ich an der Uni studieren will. Ich habe schon B2-Niveau, aber ich spreche nicht so gut und ich suche auch nach Freunden

I especially want to improve the following areas:
Sprechen und Hören

Online since 29.01.2025