Spezialkurs Englisch Learn How to Become Fluent In English! (B2)

26.03.2025 - 28.05.2025
Mittwochs, 18:00 - 19:30
UE: 18

Sie werden von uns kurz vor Kursbeginn über den genauen Kursort informiert.

Target Group: This course is aimed at those seeking to improve fluency and expand their range of vocabulary as well as people who understand a lot but lack practice.
Level: B2. Participants should have a reasonable command of spoken English and a general understanding of English grammar and tenses.
Content: The course will focus on improving fluency and style by addressing, among other aspects, the most common problems of non-native speakers, including pronunciation and intonation as well as typical mistakes and misconceptions. Self-study strategies, dictionary use and accuracy will also be dealt with.
Method: Improvisation games, role-play activities and practice of newly acquired words and phrases will provide ample opportunity to practise speaking and improve fluency. A number of feedback mechanisms (individual and in the group) will help participants improve accuracy. The working language of this course will be English. To be effective, this course requires a high level of active participation.

At the end of the course, participants can receive a graded certificate subject to a minimum of 75% course attendance and passing grades in all four language skills (listening, reading, speaking and writing). The ultimate decision regarding recognition (or non-recognition) of ECTS points (credits) lies with your university’s or institutes’ Study Program Administration [Studienprogrammleitung].


Course materials will be recommended and/or supplied according to the needs and requirements of the participants.


Für diesen Kurs sind keine Dokumente vorhanden.

270,00 €