
am Sprachenzentrum der Universität Wien

Martin Buxbaum, MA

Martin Buxbaum, MA

Woher ich komme: Wien
Meine Sprachkenntnisse: Deutsch, Englisch, Russisch, Spanisch, Französisch
Mein Ausbildungsweg: Diplomstudium Englisch/Russisch Uni Wien, Master of Arts (English) University of Toronto; Rollenspielleitung/Psychodramaleitung ÖAGG
Mein beruflicher Werdegang: Kulturmanagementtätigkeit USA, ab 2000 englischsprachige Theatertätigkeit in Wien und Einstieg als Sprachtrainer (Uni Wien, Diplomatische Akademie) und Übersetzer, zunehmend Ausbau von Sprach- und Skills Coaching auch freiberuflich, wachsender Einsatz von Psychodrama als Methode im Fremdspracherwerb und Skills Coaching
Mein Unterrichtsmotto: Ever tried. Ever failed. Try again. Fail again. Fail better. (Samuel Beckett)

Deirdre Glynn

Deirdre Glynn

Rebecca Hughes, BA

Rebecca Hughes, BA

Where I'm from: Bath, Great Britain
My languages: French, German and Spanish
Education: CELTA (Certificate in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages), BA Hons French and Spanish - Interpreting, translation and socio-cultural studies
Career: General and Business English teacher and translator

Eva Huml, BA

Eva Huml, BA

Meine Sprachkenntnisse: Englisch, Deutsch, Französisch, Italienisch, Bulgarisch, Russisch, Spanisch, ein bisschen Arabisch und Serbisch.
Mein Ausbildungsweg:DaF/DaZ Sprachtrainerin Ausbildung ATi Wien (2019), Cambridge Certificate in English Language Teaching to Adults (2009); Lehramtsstudium an der Universität Bremen mit Englisch und Französisch (2004-2006), Bachelor Musikakademie Sofia (1993-1997) und Aufbaustudium am Richard-Strauss-Konservatorium München (1998-2000).
Beruflicher Werdegang: Seit 2013 Lehrende für Englisch und Deutsch am Sprachenzentrum der Universität Wien; Seit 2007 Trainerin für firmeninterne Business- und General English Sprachkurse (Wiener Linien, Coca-Cola, EVN, Flughafen Wien, AMS, Symrise, u.a.), Deutschlehrerin am BFI Wien (2020-2021)
Mein Unterrichtsmotto: Struktur, Klarheit und Üben, Üben, Üben.

Daniel Kirby

Daniel Kirby

Woher ich komme: England/Schottland
Meine Spracjkenntnisse: English: Native, Deutsch: C1, Spanisch: B1
Mein Ausbildungsweg: University of Stirling: BA Political Science
Mein beruflicher Werdegang: ESL-Lehrer 2005 – heute; Übersetzter (Deutsch-Englisch) 2010 – heute; Copy writer 2015 - heute
Mein Unterrichtsmotto: Speak, speak, speak.

Christine Marie Kolacio

Christine Kolacio

Where I come from: Born in Boston, USA, into a European family. I lived my childhood and youth between the USA and Europe and then spent 20 years in Italy after university, raising my family. I arrived in Vienna 15 years ago and haven’t looked back since!
My language skills: Bilingual in English and Italian; French, Spanish, German, and Croatian.
My educational background: Education: B.A. in Modern Languages, major in French Language and Literature (1984); M.A. in Intercultural Competencies (to be completed Spring 2020)
Teaching Qualifications: Trinity College London CerTESOL - Certificate in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (2000); Psychodramatic Linguistics Training course and Train-the-Trainer course (2011-12 and 2017-18).
Mein beruflicher Werdegang: Teaching Career: 1993-Present in Italy and Austria
Freelance Lecturer and English Trainer (University of Vienna Language Centre; FH des BFI, FH Wien)
Self-Employed English Trainer and Coach (Clients include major corporate groups in Vienna, the IAEA/United Nations, Vienna, as well as the Austrian Federal Administrative Academy).
From 2000 to the Present – Translator, Copy Editor, and language and communications coach for academia and the corporate world.
My teaching motto:
“A talent for foreign languages is a talent for listening.” – Alfred Tomatis

Anthony Kroytor, MA

Anthony Kroytor, MA

Woher ich komme: In New York aufgewachsen, in Moldau geboren.
Meine Sprachkenntnisse: Englisch, Russich und Deutsch.
Mein Ausbildungsweg: Trinity College TEFL Zertifikat; MA Philosophie, Universtität Wien: BA Philosophy, Brooklyn College, NY, USA.
Mein beruflicher Werdegang: In meiner langjähriger Erfahrung habe ich Englisch in den USA und international unterrichtet und mit Menschen aller Altersgruppen aus diversen kulturellen Sphären gearbeitet.
Mein Unterrichtsmotto: Say whatever you like—as long as it’s in English!

Patrick Loan BA (Hons), MFA

Patrick Loan BA (Hons), MFA

Over ten years experience teaching ESL in Austria, within educational institutions and in-company. Seven years teaching at the Language Center of the University of Vienna, teaching general courses, specialist preparation courses, such as IELTS, and administering English language competency tests. Other roles include lecturing at the University of Applied Sciences, Burgenland on the IT Infrastructure Management course and giving seminars about teaching with video within the classroom for high school teachers at the University College of Teacher Education in Vienna and Graz.  Have previous tertiary educational experience in the UK lecturing on art and design courses (BA Fine Art, Foundation Diploma and A-levels) at South Essex College, Southend-on-Sea and as a visiting lecturer at Cardiff School of Art & Design. Have organised a number of collaborative and participatory art and educational projects and events in schools and galleries in the UK.

Neil Mc Ardle, MEd

Neil Mc Ardle, MEd

Woher ich komme: Irland
Meine Sprachkenntnisse: Englisch, Deutsch, Portugiesisch, Italienisch
Mein Ausbildungsweg: Ich habe am University College Dublin, Irland, einen Abschluss in Linguistik (BA.Hons) und einen Master of Education (M.Ed) erworben. Die Universität Cambridge hat mich außerdem für den Unterricht von Englisch als Fremdsprache zertifiziert (CELTA).
Mein beruflicher Werdegang: Seit 2008 bin ich im Bereich Bildung im öffentlichen, privaten und ehrenamtlichen Sektor tätig. Meine Berufserfahrung erstreckt sich auf viele Länder, insbesondere Brasilien, Irland, Österreich, Italien und die Slowakei.
Mein Unterrichtsmotto: ‘’Man kann nie eine Sprache verstehen, wenn man nicht mindestens zwei versteht’’

Stephanie Mechelke

Stephanie Mechelke

Paul Nogid, MA

Paul Nogid, M.A.

Where I’m from: New York, NY, USA
My languages: English, Russian, Latvian, Spanish, French, Slovak, Italian (at different levels of proficiency)
Education: B.A., Political Science, New York University,  New York, NY, USA; M.A., International Affairs, George Washington University, Washington, DC.
Career:  I have been teaching English in the USA, Slovakia and Austria for about 15 years now and I really enjoy it!  About half of that time I've worked at the Sprachenzentrum of the University of Vienna and I believe it is here that I have gained the most valuable teaching experience.  Thanks to my students for making it so rewarding and unforgettable!
My slogan for teaching/learning: Sharing knowledge is a reciprocal process.  It's not only that students learn something from their teacher - it's that the teacher should learn something from students.  A good teacher is the one who never stops learning!

Edward J. Reardon

Edward J. Reardon

Colin John Roberts, MA

Colin John Roberts, MA

Mizumo Shima, BA

Mizumo Shima, BA

Paul Talbot, MSc

Paul Talbot, MSc

Woher ich komme: Originally from Birmingham in the UK midlands, I studied in the beautiful city of Canterbury, before moving to the even more beautiful city of Vienna in 2008.
Meine Sprachkenntnisse: English, German
Mein Ausbildungsweg: Education: B.A. (Hons) in Law and Criminology (2008), M.Sc. in Public Policy and Management (2014)
Teaching Qualifications: Cambridge CELTA - Certificate in English Language Teaching to Adults (2008), Cambridge DELTA (Module 2) - Diploma in English Language Teaching (2018) I am also currently working on a PhD in English and American Studies, where I am looking at the use of English in government and policy communications.
Mein beruflicher Werdegang: Teaching Career: 2016-Present - Freelance University Lecturer and English Trainer (Affiliations include the University of Vienna Language Centre, University of Vienna Faculty for Physics, FH Burgenland, FH Campus Wien, FH Wien der WKO)
2016-Present - Self-Employed English Trainer and Coach (Clients include the Austrian Federal Administrative Academy, Members of Parliament and parliamentary staff, NGOs and government-funded bodies)
2008 2011 - Freelance English Trainer at various private institutes
Non-Teaching Career: 2017-Present - Freelance Researcher, preparing a PhD research project on the use - and the teaching - of English language in government and public policy contexts
2016-Present - English language Professional Services Contractor, offering workshop facilitation and moderation, translating, editing and proofreading (Clients and partners include European Prison Education, World Institute for Nuclear Security).
2015-2016 - Executive Officer (Referent), Department for Education (DfE), UK Government.
2011-2015 - European Project Manager and Consultant, die Berater UnterhemensberatungsGmbH, Vienna.
Mein Unterrichtsmotto:
Knowing what you want to learn is not so important. Knowing what you want to do with what you learn, however, is key to meaningful learning and teaching.