Can understand and use familiar everyday expressions and very basic phrases aimed at the satisfaction of needs of a concrete type. Can introduce him/herself and others and can ask and answer questions about personal details such as where he/she lives, people he/she knows and things he/she owns. Can interact in a simple way provided the other person talks slowly and clearly and is prepared to help.
Textbook: A1+ MagyarOk incl. workbook (ISBN: 978-963-7178-68-9)
Speaking Topics: Greetings - introducing yourself - countries & cities & nationalities - professions - numbers - family - well-being - objects of daily use - human characteristics - technical problems.
Planned Grammar Topics: Definite & indefinite articles - indefinite present conjugation - adjectival modal suffix (-l-ul-ül) - locative case (-ban, ben//-ba/-be) - verb van (lenni)-ist (to be) - impersonal infinitive (-ni) - negation - interrogatives - possessives (- ja/je, -a/e) – question words: Ki? Mi? Hol?; pronunciation
Textbook: A1+ MagyarOk incl. workbook (ISBN: 978-963-7178-68-9)
Conversation topics: Time of day/day - places in the city - means of transportation - describing the way - city and country - food - at the market - in a restaurant - in a store - hobby/leisure activities.
Planned grammar: Indefinite present tense conjugation - tenses - transitive & intransitive verbs - suffix (-val/-vel) - dative:-nak/nek - locative auxiliaries - irregular verbs: jön/megy - plural sign -k - accusative sign -t - demonstrative pronouns - possessive structures - conjunctions (és, de, mert) - past tense of be (volt) - modal verbs: szeretne, szeret, lehet, kell - questions: (Mikor? Melyik napszakban? Mettől meddig?)
Textbook: A1+ MagyarOk incl. workbook (ISBN: 978-963-7178-68-9)
Conversation topics: Leisure activities - dating - writing letters - vacation - work day - daily routine - activities at work - learning the language - introducing one‘s family – one‘s home.
Planned grammar: Indefinite conjugation in the present tense (summarizing incl. -lak/-lek) - accusative (-t) - definite conjugation in the present tense - possessive markers - have construction - place names: suffixes and postpositions - prefix position - time expressions & interrogatives of time (mikor? mióta?) - word order - basic numbers - plural signs of adjectives - modal verbs: tud, akar.
Can understand sentences and frequently used expressions related to areas of most immediate relevance (e.g. very basic personal and family information, shopping, local geography, employment). Can communicate in simple and routine situations requiring a simple and direct exchange of information on familiar and routine matters. Can describe in simple terms aspects of his/her background, immediate environment and matters in areas of immediate need.
Textbook: A1+ MagyarOk incl. workbook (ISBN: 978-963-7178-68-9) & MagyarOk A2+ incl. workbook (ISBN: 978-963-642-681-1)
Speaking Topics: Leisure activities - dating - writing letters - vacation - workday - daily routine - activities at work - learning a language - introducing my family - my home - communicating interests - family members - body parts - looking for an apartment - neighbors - country or city.
Planned Grammar Topics: Indefinite present tense conjugation (summary incl. -lak/-lek) - definite present tense conjugation - pronouns (in the accusative) - possessives in the plural form - possessive forms - adjective-forming suffixes (-s, -i) - plural formation of adjectives - adjective augmentation - ordinal numbers - have construction - locatives: suffixes and postpositions - prefixes & prefix position - Noun-forming suffixes (-ás/-és, ó/ö ) - Time indications & interrogatives of time (Mikor? Mióta?) - Word order/syntax - Adjective-forming suffixes (-an/-en & -ul/-ül) - Modal verbs II: tud, akar
Textbook: MagyarOk A2+ incl. workbook (ISBN: 978-963-642-681-1)
Conversation topics: Hobbies, sports activities - cinema/movies - music - describing days of the week and weekends - at the airport - Hungarian cities - types of schools and universities - (language) learning.
Planned grammar: Definite and indefinite conjugation in the past, auxiliary verbs in the past, - case suffix forms in personal pronouns (velem, hozzám) - conjugation of the potential verb (hat/het) - infinitive - indirect speech - number words - relative clause - adverb formation - future tense - modal verbs: szabad, tilos, kell- - conjunctions (mégis/mégsem)
Textbook: MagyarOk A2+ incl. workbook (ISBN: 978-963-642-681-1)
Topics of conversation: Job interview - colleagues - (future) jobs - professional phone calls - wanderlust - hotels - travel habits - trip to Pécs - ways of life - food and meals – Hungarian culture - receiving guests.
Planned grammar: Definite and indefinite conjugation in the past - future tense - indirect speech (present & perfect) - conditional present (incl. -hat/-het) - making suggestions - imperative (introduction) - modal verbs: szokott, tud - syntax - conjunctions (amelyik, ahova, ahol)
Can understand the main points of clear standard input on familiar matters regularly encountered at work, school, leisure etc. Can deal with most situations likely to arise whilst travelling in an area where the language is spoken. Can produce simple connected text on topics which are familiar or of personal interest. Can describe experiences and events, dreams, hopes and ambitions and briefly give reasons and explanations for opinions and plans.
Textbook: MagyarOk A2+ incl. workbook (ISBN: 978-963-642-681-1) & MagyarOk B1+ incl. workbook (ISBN: 978-963-429-073-5)
Conversation topics: Recipes – discussing life events – speaking about punctuality and other rules of conduct - focus - studying - vacations & tourism - sightseeing in Hungary.
Planned grammar: Direct imperative - indefinite pronouns, reciprocal pronouns (egymás) - indirect speech - temporal suffixes - relative clauses - personal infinitive - prefixes (be-,ki-,) - phrases of opinion - reflexive pronouns (Magunknak, Önöknek) - cataphorics (ez, az) - present participle -ó - indirect imperative prefixes (-meg,-el)
Textbook: MagyarOk B1+ incl. workbook (ISBN: 978-963-429-073-5)
Topics of conversation: Services - internet shopping - instructions for use - education & language learning - virtual world - feelings.
Planned Grammar: Direct & indirect imperative - final clauses - date - verbal prefix (-tat/-tet) - past subjunctive - perfect participle (-t,-tt) - gerund (va/ve) - subjunctive usage - multiple possessive construction - reflexive pronouns (Magunknak, Önöknek) - modal verb: muszáj -prefixes (el-, fel- , ki-) - conjunctions: mert, mivel, ezért, mégis, mégsem
Textbook: MagyarOk B1+ incl. workbook (ISBN: 978-963-429-073-5)
Topics of conversation: Health - at the doctor's office - workplace and work environment - consumption and products – food blogs - famous people and food.
Planned grammar: Direct & indirect imperative - final clauses - interrogative (-e) - possessive structures - verbal adverb (-vé/vá) - participles and their opposites - modal verb: muszáj, - prefixes (-össze, -vissza) - forming composites - conjunctives: mert, mivel, ezért, mégis, mégsem
Can understand the main ideas of complex text on both concrete and abstract topics, including technical discussions in his/her field of specialisation. Can interact with a degree of fluency and spontaneity that makes regular interaction with mother-tongue speakers quite possible without strain for either party. Can produce clear, detailed text on a wide range of subjects and explain a point of view on a topical issue giving the advantages and disadvantages of various options.
Textbook: MagyarOk B1+ incl. workbook (ISBN: 978-963-429-073-5) & MagyarOk B2+ incl. workbook (ISBN: 978-963-429-203-6)
Topics of conversation: Gastronomy - newspapers/magazines - news - Europe - the EU and its history - being bored - small talk – life in the 1960s - CV - careers (of famous people).
Planned grammar: Negation - verbal prefixes (-gat/get) - prefix (-át) - composites - verb (hadd) - comparative forms - noun suffixes (-ás/-és; ság/ség) - multifunctionals (való)
Textbook: MagyarOk B2+ incl. workbook (ISBN: 978-963-429-203-6)
Topics of conversation: Project work - cooperation - Hungarian cartoons - games - recreation - work experiences - culturality/diversity - migration - memories – boosting motivation.
Planned grammar: Functions of -hat/-het - subjunctive use - temporal suffixes - imperative use - use and position of pronouns - function of 'is' - negation - possessive structures – expressions of purpose and intention
Textbook: MagyarOk B2+ incl. workbook (ISBN: 978-963-429-203-6)
Topics of conversation: Taste - weddings and customs - flora and fauna - renewable energy - jewelry - types of buildings - clothing & fashion - advertising - adventures - literature.
Planned Grammar: Functions of -hat/-het – the use of subjunctive forms - temporal suffixes - imperative usage - position of is - negation - possessive structures - cathaphorism - text types - redundancy in communication.