Mission Statement

Innovationszentrum Universität Wien GmbH, Language Center of the University of Vienna

The University of Vienna Innovations Center (Orig.: Die Innovationszentrum Universität Wien GmbH (IUW GmbH) is a 100%-owned subsidiary of the University of Vienna. The enterprise offers a variety of services with the purpose of supplementing the University’s primary objectives – Research and Learning – thereby strengthening the ties between the University and the community.

The University of Vienna Language Center (Orig.: Das Sprachenzentrum der Universität Wien) is the largest business entity of the Innovations Center (IUW GmbH) that offers language instruction, both general and specifically-targeted,  for all interested individuals 16 years of age and older, with particular emphasis on learners, students, employees as well as alumni of the University of Vienna.  

Understanding of Quality

The pursuit of a high-quality service defines the basis of our actions and is published and communicated in various forms, with a focus on long-term effectiveness.

Our quality standards are set out in the Quality Management Handbook, which explains the means, methods and responsibilities by which the Language Center implements the applicable legislation and identifies the main processes and associated descriptions.

The Language Center has been an official wien-cert quality provider in the field of continuing education since 28.06.2021 and Ö-cert since 22.09.2021.

In professional terms, the instruction at the University of Vienna Language Center is based on the regulates stated in the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages CEFR). The courses feature a clearly-defined curriculum, guideline-based final examinations, the use of current learning materials and the robust learning process. The quality of each course is being routinely evaluated using anonymous surveys of course participants and the teaching staff, which ensures continuous improvements of the learning process and strategies. All teachers employed by the Language Center possess, at a minimum, a university degree, as well as appropriate didactic certification and relevant teaching experience.  With their professional, methodological and social skills, as well as their cross-cultural sensitivity, they actively support the course participants in the learning process and other related concerns.

In terms of the content, due to the Language Center’s direct connection to the University of Vienna, the courses focus on the prospective students‘ preparation for their respective studies, as well as providng language support in their selected study programs. In particular, the following objectives are pursued:   

  • Teaching of essential German language skills and teaching of intercultural and country-specific knowledge related to Austria;
  • Promotion of scholastic mobility by offering needs-oriented general and specific language instruction and certification of foreign language skills;
  • Promotion of multilingualism and cross-cultural competencies;
  • Preparation for international job market;
  • Support for the internationalization strategies pursued by the University of Vienna;
  • Complementary language training with no entitled connection to linguistic, literary or translation studies;
  • ECTS credit awards and credit allocation for language courses.

Furthermore, the Language Center provides a broad range of courses designed for adults of all ages and walks of life interested in acquiring or expanding their knowledge of languages for professional, educational or personal reasons. In addition, we offer companies and organizations specifically tailored content courses and language competency evaluation services.  

Diversity and equality

The Language Center sees itself as a community of all its employees: People of different ages, gender and physical characteristics, sexual identity and orientation, different social, ethnic and geographical backgrounds, characterized by individual life situations as well as experiences, worldviews and competencies.

Therefore, we foster mutual appreciation and respect among our employees, as well as in dealing between the employees and the management.  Tolerant, non-discriminatory and fairness-based policies are essential not only in our internal business, but also in dealing with our outside partners.  

All issues and concerns raised by our course participants and employees are attended to in a respectful, objective and timely manner. Openness to constructive feedback and willingness to learn from mistakes are self-explanatory in our daily activities.

Employees and managers of the Language Center of the University of Vienna rely on objective, fair and target-oriented resolution of conflicts, in a climate of mutual understanding and respect.

The Language Center of the University of Vienna works hard to ensure that our course participants are offered the best possible conditions for efficient, innovative and sustainable foreign language training.  We are constantly striving for improvement in order to best ensure our socio-political responsibility as we contribute to building and preserving worldwide peace and prosperity.

Our mission statement is regularly evaluated and adapted as necessary.

Updated: May 2024