MMag. Katharina Kafka
MMag. Katharina Kafka
My educational background: double degree in Scandinavian Studies and Musicology with German as a Foreign Language module at the University of Vienna and Stockholm, DaF internship abroad at Matej Bel University (Faculty of Economics) in Banska Bystrica, Slovakia, archival internship and thesis research at Svenskt Visarkiv in Stockholm. Training as a Swedex examiner for A2, B1 and B2; advanced training for Swedish teachers abroad at Stockholm University (15 ECTS).
My professional career: Already during my studies I taught Swedish and DaF in adult education and Swedish tutoring at the Institute for Scandinavian Studies in Vienna. After graduation I worked as a Swedish teacher at the Scandinavian Studies Department of the University of Vienna. I also taught Swedish courses for the Austrian-Swedish Society, did translations, and now teach Swedish and German as a foreign language full-time, as well as coordinating German courses at the A-levels at the Language Center of the University of Vienna.
Mihaela Stollhof, MA
Mihaela Stollhof, MA
Where I come from: Bulgaria
My language skills: Bulgarian, German, Swedish, English, Danish and a little Russian.
My educational background: Bachelor's degree in Scandinavian Studies at the Universities of Sofia, Unversität Wien and Umeå, Sweden (2009-2014); Master's degree in German as a Second and Foreign Language at the University of Vienna (2013-2016); teaching internship at the Goethe-Institut, Bratislava (2014); SI seminar for Swedish teachers on the island of Tjörn, Sweden (August 2016)
My professional career: Swedish teacher, VHS Polycollege, Vienna (2013-2015); tutor for Scandinavian literature and for German as a second and foreign language, University of Vienna; from 2014.
Swedish and German teacher at the Language Center of the University of Vienna.
My teaching motto: In foreign language teaching, everything is allowed that promotes foreign language acquisition.