Italian A2 - Phase 2

12.03.2025 - 18.06.2025
Wednesdays, 18:00 - 20:30
UE: 39
ID: 25SSPIT052

Türkenstraße, SemRaum 3, 1. Stock, Türkenstraße 3, 1090 Wien

Italian A2

Phase 1 and Phase 2


communication in familiar, everyday situations; reading and listening comprehension of the core message of texts involving topics an requirements of everyday life and familiar situations; writing simple texts about familiar topics and personal interests.

Objectives in all courses:

conversation, reading, written exercises, listening comprehension, grammar, pronunciation, vocabulary

These courses lead up to Level A2 according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages(please click here for details).

At the end of the course, participants can receive a graded certificate subject to a minimum of 75% course attendance and passing grades in all four language skills (listening, reading, speaking and writing). The ultimate decision regarding recognition (or non-recognition) of ECTS points (credits) lies with your university’s or institutes’ Study Program Administration [Studienprogrammleitung].

Course materials

Course materials are not included in the course fee and are available at Facultas on Campus, courtyard 1.5.4.

Dieci A2: lezioni di italiano.Ein Italienischkurs / Kurs- und Arbeitsbuch plus interaktive Version. Hueber Verlag, 2022. ISBN: 978-3190156474


Für diesen Kurs sind keine Dokumente vorhanden.

474,00 €