Spanish Assessment Test
15:00 - 16:30
UE: 2
Campus Hof 1.16, Alser Str. 4, 1090 Wien, Sprachenzentrum, Raum 10
Target Group:
This placement test is designed for people who have not taken any courses at the Sprachenzentrum of the University of Vienna or for those that have difficulties identifying their language level to choose the right course.
In this placement test you will first complete a written test with onSET (about 30 minutes). Afterwards you will have a short conversation with one of our teachers to determine which one of our courses would be most suitable for you (about 10 minutes).
The placement test takes place here at the Sprachenzentrum. It is an easy process to determine your language level. Our teachers will recommend a suitable course for you from our extensive range of courses.
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