Specialised Course Russian: Intercultural Communication in Practice (A2)

Target group/prior knowledge:

The course is aimed at all interculturally interested participants with previous knowledge of Russian starting at A2



- Improvement of a basis for communicative and intercultural competence. - Consolidating and deepening the material learnt with a focus on oral communication (being able to communicate in a simple way).
- Sensitising students to intercultural communication and expanding their knowledge of the country:
- Intercultural aspects in conversational situations: Facial expressions, gestures, greetings, gifts for guests, topics of conversation, saying goodbye, etc.
- Communication and behaviour in everyday and work situations with intercultural relevance (travelling in Russia (privately and professionally); eating and drinking (toasts); holidays, traditions and much more).
- Do's and don'ts
- Practical tips for a visit to Russia.


The course uses a variety of didactic elements such as
- Interactive games (Kahoot, Mentimeter etc.)
- Presentations of individual and group work (self-presentation, country-specific products...)
- Quizzes (regional studies, intercultural aspects, orientation...)
- Improvisation and role-playing games, crossword puzzles, bingo etc.
- Songs, interviews, films.
For this course, a high level of active participation is required.

At the end of the course, participants can receive a graded certificate subject to a minimum of 75% course attendance and passing grades in all four language skills (listening, reading, speaking and writing). The ultimate decision regarding recognition (or non-recognition) of ECTS points (credits) lies with your university’s or institutes’ Study Program Administration [Studienprogrammleitung].

Course materials

Jasno! Neu A1-A2 Kursbuch mit MP3-CD und Videos. ISBN: 978-3-12-527678-9 und Übungsbuch mit MP3-CD und Videos ISBN: 978-3-12-527679-6, Klett Verlag.
Course materials will be recommended and/or supplied according to the needs and requirements of the participants.


Für diesen Kurs sind keine Dokumente vorhanden.

474,00 €