Spezialkurs Italienische Literatur des 20. Jahrhunderts

17.10.2024 - 12.12.2024
Thursdays, 15:00 - 16:30
UE: 18

We will inform you about the exact location shortly before the beginning of the course.

Target group/previous knowledge:
You have good A-levels (B1.1) in Italian and routine speaking skills and can generally communicate on any topic without major problems.
By analysing and discussing literary works from the 20th century, Italian is introduced and practised as a language of literature.
The history of the literary works will also be explained on the basis of the artists' biographies. To make the historical background clearer, parts of the film ‘’900’ by Bernardo Bertolucci will also be shown in class.
The programme includes works by
- Verga,
- Marinetti,
- D'Annunzio,
- Pirandello,
- Svevo,
- Alvaro,
- Buzzati,
- Carlo and Primo Levi,
- Gadda,
- Calvino and Pasolini.
The aim of the seminar is to develop and improve subject-specific literary and historical knowledge through targeted thematic discussions based on these works. The necessary materials (texts) will be provided. In the group, you will acquire knowledge of the Italian language through communicative, playful and visual activities.

At the end of the course, participants can receive a graded certificate subject to a minimum of 75% course attendance and passing grades in all four language skills (listening, reading, speaking and writing). The ultimate decision regarding recognition (or non-recognition) of ECTS points (credits) lies with your university’s or institutes’ Study Program Administration [Studienprogrammleitung].

Course materials

Course materials will be recommended and/or supplied according to the needs and requirements of the participants.


Für diesen Kurs sind keine Dokumente vorhanden.

270,00 €