Leisure Program 2024

By participating in our Summer Intensive Courses for German, you will have access to a special leisure program to accompany our German language learning experience in Vienna. 

The complete program will be available as download from the beginning of the courses.

Leisure Program September (PDF)

Some of the activities are free of charge and some are subject to a fee. Participation in the activities is optional.

In specialized courses and lectures you can improve your language skills and deepen your knowledge of our country and culture. In other leisure activities you have the opportunity to get to know many other course participants and thus improve your German in a playful way.

We are happy to offer our welcome party at the Loco Club and the picnics on campus this year again!

Specialized Courses


  • Phonetics
  • Grammar
  • Conversation
  • Writing
  • Literature


➡️ You can also register for courses at our main office.

Afternoon Activities

Leisure Program - Please register in advance!

The walks led by our teachers offer the ideal opportunity to practise your German language skills, explore the city and learn new things while making friends with other course participants. 

  • Guided themed walks through Vienna
  • Guided tour through the campus and the University of Vienna
  • Chatting in the Schanigarten - from B2/1
  • Beisl and coffee house tour


➡️ You can also sign up for the activities at our main office.

Lectures - Please register in advance!

Lectures on Austria and (Austria's) German language (recommended for B1+ and higher)

Our teachers take you into the world of the German language and invite you to discover new things. Are you a course participant, a German learner or an experienced German speaker?
Participation in the lectures is open to everyone. The lecutres are held in German.

  • Austropop - deutschsprachiger Rock und Pop aus Österreich
  • Österreichische Kunst - Gustav Klimts Leidenschaft für Kunst, Frauen und den Attersee
  • 101 Fakten über Sisi 
  • 101 Geheimnisse deutscher Wörter
  • Internationalismen und Anglizismen: Ehrlichste echte und frechste falsche Freunde
  • Deutsch in Österreich: Ist das wirklich Deutsch?


➡️ You can also sign up for the activities at our main office.

Singkreis from A1/1 - Please register in advance!

Singing promotes language learning and lifts your spirits! Sing German songs together with your course colleagues. You will not only learn about the (language) melody, but also about Austrian culture. 

Please register!


➡️ You can also sign up for the activities at our main office.


No registration is necessary to participate in our joint hikes to the Wilhelminenberg and the Kahlenberg

Please keep in mind that you will need sturdy shoes, rain protection, a water bottle and a ticket for the Wiener Linien. 

The meeting point is at the main entrance of the Language Center on campus in courtyard 1, at door 1.16. 

Film Screening

As part of our cinema program, we show you selected Austrian films. 

For example, you will see classics such as "Sissi", "Die Fälscher", "Toni Erdmann" or "Before Sunrise". 

Just come to Room 19 at the starting time stated in our current leisure brochure.

Reading Room

Room 07 at the Language Center on campus (courtyard 1.16, 1st floor) is reserved for you as a reading room!

Our reading room is open for you from Monday to Friday from 1:30 to 5:00 p.m.

On site you will find a book exchange as well as newspapers in German language. 

Please note the ban on eating in the reading room!

Let's socialize!


At our social gatherings you can get to know your course colleagues from all over the world!

  • Welcome Party at Club Loco
    An area in the guest garden is reserved for our participants.
    If you have joined our Facebook group, you will receive an exclusive drink voucher for your first drink at the entrance!
    When showing our flyer, you will receive a voucher for a free drink!

    Loco Club & Bar
    Stadtbahnbögen 172-174, U6 Station Nussdorferstraße
  • Picnics on campus
    At the beginning and end of the course, we host campus picnics led by our interns. This gives you the opportunity to meet and say goodbye to your course colleagues in a relaxed atmosphere.


Take part in our photo challenge on Instagram and win a goodie bag from the Language Center including a voucher for the Facultas bookstore at the end of the course!

Step 1: Take a selfie with one of the following "landmarks" in Vienna!

  • With a horse 
  • In a deck chair 
  • With St. Stephen's Cathedral in the background 
  • With a real Viennese Melange. For advanced users: with a Einspänner! (both is a type of coffee;))
  • With an ice cream 

Step 2: Post it on Instagram, tag the Language Center on Instagram and use the hashtag #sprachenwien.

Our blog "Be prepared!" and tips for Vienna

Are you already ready for your stay in Vienna?

The best thing to do is read our blog post 5 Tipps, um dich auf deinen Deutschkurs im Sommer in Wien vorzubereiten before the course starts!

You can find out how to organize your stay in Vienna and what exciting things there are to experience in our beautiful city in upcoming blog posts. 

Here you will find interesting and helpful links around the city of Vienna.

#Wienliebe - Linksammlung