(e-)Trimester Courses for German

These German courses take place for 9 weeks and are offered three times per year.

You may choose from:

  • 5x per week | in the morning | 2 course phases (two phases of one level, e.g. for A2: A2/1 A2/2)
  • 2x per week | in the morning or evening | 1 course phase | evenings also available online!

All courses include a final exam and a certificate with ECTS points.

Course Dates

  • 14.01.2025 – 18.03.2025 
  • 27.03.2025 – 17.06.2025 | ► Remaining seats available at our main office or via LOGIN.
  • 14.10.2025 – 17.12.2025 | Registration starts: 16.09.2025
  • You will learn in a group of 10–16 students and benefit from personal support by the instructor. 

Kursregeln_Anwesenheit und Prüfungsmodus_EN

  • At the beginning of the course, the teacher provides information about the general course rules, the requirements for a certificate and such as attendance as well as the examination mode. These must be observed. 
  • Please note that the indicated course time corresponds to the local time in Vienna / Austria (CEST). Before registering, please check the time zone difference at your local time and register for the course schedule most convenient for your location. If you need assistance, click here
  • The textbooks are available at bookstores such as our cooperation partner facultas in der Universitätstraße, or as e-books on the publisher's websites worldwide.
    The textbook costs are not included in the course price. You will receive precise information about the required textbook after the placement test.

  • Additional learning materials and exercises will be accessible via the Moodle platform of the Language Center of the University of Vienna for the duration of the respective course.
  • To participate in our online courses you need a stable internet connection (10 MBit/s Download, 5 MBit/s Upload. If you are unsure of the internet speed at your specific location, please check your connection here: https://www.speedtest.net). 
  • You will need a device with a microphone, speakers/headphones, a webcam and an (external) keyboard so that you can also perform your written tasks in the best possible way. You will work with word documents and other word-processing programs.
  • As virtual classroom, we use the external provider Zoom.

Online Unterrricht_Kameraeinstellungen_EN

  • For online courses, please note that participation is only possible with the camera on. It is not possible to participate in the course if the teacher and the group are not able to see your face. Strangers may not participate in the course, even if they are not captured by the camera.

Duration, Intensity, Course Times, Tuition Fees for Online and Offline-Courses

Duration: 9 weeks
Intensity: 2 options

  • 6 units per week (54 units per course)
    2x/week, 3 units/day: Mon+Wed or Tue+Thu
    Course times: mornings or evenings
    Course fees 2024-25: EUR 475
  • 12 units per week (108 units per course)
    5x/week, 2.4 units/day: Mon–Fri
    Course times: mornings
    Course fees 2024-25: EUR 836

1 teaching unit = 45 minutes
The course schedule is available as of the first day of registration.

New students

Beginners (A1/1):

  • If you have no prior knowledge of German, please register for an A1/1 beginners’ course.

    Online registration is open to everyone aged 16 and over as of respective registration dates.

With previous knowledge (starting from level A1/2):

  • If you have prior knowledge of German and if you can produce an ÖSD or Goethe certificate*, you can take the subsequent higher-level course. Please register online for a course WITH PLACEMENT TEST and send your certificate to sprachenzentrumsymbolunivie.acpunktat. We will book your appropriate course phase and will send you a confirmation by e-mail.

    * Please note that in order  to be accepted, your certificate must be issued within the last 12 months and  the scores for each of the four language skills (listening, reading, writing and speaking) must be at least 80%.
  • If you do not have an ÖSD or Goethe certificate, please register for a course WITH PLACEMENT TEST. Information concerning the placement test procedures will be sent to you upon completion of the online booking.

    Online registration is open to everyone aged 16 and over as of respective registration dates.

Continuing students

  • If you have successfully completed a course at the Language Center within the last year, you can register for the next course phase.

    Online registration for a specific course level (A1/2–C2) is available as of respective registration dates. Please use your personal LOGIN.
  • If your last course at the Language Center was more than a year ago, you are required to take another placement test.

    Please register for a course WITH PLACEMENT TEST.

The test consists of a written and an oral part. Further information on the placement test procedures and a test invitation will be sent to you upon completion of the online booking.

You are required to take a placement test if:

  • this is your first German course at the Language Center and you have prior knowledge of German (from A1/2).
  • your last German course at the Language Center was more than a year ago.
  • you have an ÖSD or Goethe certificate issued more than 12 months ago or with scores lower than 80% for each of the four language skills (listening, reading, writing and speaking).

Courses of 6 units per week: 1 course phase per trimester
We offer 11 course phases: A1/1, A1/2, A2/1, A2/2, B1/1, B1/2, B2/1, B2/2, C1/1, C1/2, C2.

Courses of 12 units per week: 2 course phases per trimester
We offer 5 courses: the entire level of A1, A2, B1, B2 and C1.

The minimum eligibility requirements for a course certificate are as follows:

  • minimum 75% attendance of the total course duration
  • participation in the final examination (further information on disability-friendly exams)

You will receive your certificate on the last day of the course.

Passing marks in the final examination result in the granting of ECTS (European Credit Transfer System) points. The relevant study program of your university will have the ultimate decision regarding recognition of our certificates.

4 ECTS: courses of 6 units
8 ECTS: courses of 12 units

Your teacher will inform you in time about the date of the final exam.
If you are unable to come to this date, forgo taking the exam or fail the exam, you will not receive any ECTS points.

Nevertheless, participants who fulfill the minimum attendance requirement of 75% may receive an attendance confirmation letter at the end of the course.