Can understand and use familiar everyday expressions and very basic phrases aimed at the satisfaction of needs of a concrete type. Can introduce him/herself and others and can ask and answer questions about personal details such as where he/she lives, people he/she knows and things he/she owns. Can interact in a simple way provided the other person talks slowly and clearly and is prepared to help.
Textbook: Skriptum.
Speaking Topics: Letters: writing, pronunciation (with transcription) and reading. Greetings, getting to know each other, origin, asking how one is doing, speaking about family and living situations, saying goodbye, using a number of short important sentences, learning numbers from 0-12
Planned Grammar Topics: Subjects, demonstrative pronouns, interrogatives, Arabic articles, feminine and masculine words, negatives with adjectives and participles.
Textbook: Skriptum.
Speaking Topics: Asking and answering simple questions, making and responding to simple statements dealing with familiar and immediate matters. Learning and using numbers up to 100 and ordinal numerals up to 12. Speaking about time, home, classrooms, garden, kitchen, daily routine, practicing telephone calls and many other topics.
Planned Grammar Topics: Asking and answering simple questions, making and responding to simple statements when dealing with familiar and immediate matters. Learning and using numbers up to 100, ordinal numerals up to 12. Speaking about time, home, classroom, garden, kitchen, daily routine, telephone calls and other daily routine matters.
Textbook: Skriptum.
Speaking Topics: Asking and answering simple questions, making and responding to simple statements dealing with familiar and immediate matters. Learning and using names of months and seasons. Getting to know each other, keeping conversations at the coffee house, in town, about daily routines, weather, geography, in class and many other topics.
Planned Grammar Topics: Review of grammar through various exercises, prepositions, articles, question words, adjectives & nouns, simple linking words, subjects & personal pronouns, conjugating verbs in imperfect, genitive case, question words and numerous exercises on these topics.
Can understand sentences and frequently used expressions related to areas of most immediate relevance (e.g. very basic personal and family information, shopping, local geography, employment). Can communicate in simple and routine situations requiring a simple and direct exchange of information on familiar and routine matters. Can describe in simple terms aspects of his/her background, immediate environment and matters in areas of immediate need.
Textbook: INTENSIVE ARABIC Basic Level, Buske.
Information regarding the current textbook for your course is available in the course booking instructions.
Speaking Topics: From Amman to Damascus, at the coffee house, at the restaurant, shopping at the "SUQ" (the market), the family, food, customs in the Arab region, at the hotel, telephone conversations, daily routine in all times and other topics... Songs and poems, picture stories and picture descriptions. Discuss a trip and hold a presentation about it.
Planned Grammar Topics: Review grammar through various exercises, dual adjective & noun, subjunctive, modal verbs, demonstrative pronouns, negation with لا، ما ، لن ، ليس ..., verb conjugation in all tenses and كان, more question words, more linking words and other topics.
Textbook: INTENSIVE ARABIC Basic Level, Buske.
Information regarding the current textbook for your course is available in the course booking instructions
Speaking Topics: Abu Khalil family, house, apartment rent, apartment ads, Arab houses, short stories, in the restaurant, invitation, shopping in the "SUQ" (the market), learning languages, writing letters, a day of Martin, quick dialogues and conversations and other topics. Songs and poems, picture stories and picture descriptions. Choose a singer, present a song (High Arabic) and create a practical exercise for other course participants.
Planned Grammar Topics: Revision of various grammar topics through exercises, the use of the verb „have“, extension of genitive case, expressions for colors, the jussive case form, repetition of negation with لا، ما ، لن ليس ..., adjectives, verb conjugation in all tenses and with كان , plural, demonstrative pronouns and other topics.
Textbook: INTENSIVE ARABIC Basic Level, Buske.
Information regarding the current textbook for your course is available in the course booking instructions
Speaking Topics: Writing letters, extending invitations, giving directions, talking about religious holidays, conversations at the restaurant, birthday, at the market, reception, in the city, telling fairy tales and other topics. Songs and poems, picture stories and picture descriptions. Reading a short book or a short story in Arabic and giving a talk about it.
Planned Grammar Topics: Verbs groups, jussives/subjunctives, revision of negation with لم, imperative,كان, revision of negative forms, present passive, plural, linking words and numerous exercises on this topic.
Can understand the main points of clear standard input on familiar matters regularly encountered at work, school, leisure etc. Can deal with most situations likely to arise whilst travelling in an area where the language is spoken. Can produce simple connected text on topics which are familiar or of personal interest. Can describe experiences and events, dreams, hopes and ambitions and briefly give reasons and explanations for opinions and plans.
Textbook: Contemporary Written Arabic Language Course (Fisher/Jastrow) Volume 1.
Information regarding the current textbook for your course is available in the course booking instructions
Speaking Topics: Using Arabic computer programs/watching movies. Conversations at the post office and bank, doctor’s office & pharmacy, religious holidays (Christmas), reading newspapers & simple short news texts, speaking about fairy tales and other topics. Discussing songs and poems, picture stories and picture descriptions. Choose a movie (in High Arabic) and hold a discussion about it. Prepare an exercise about the movie and share it with other participants.
Planned Grammar Topics: Grammar review through various exercises, revision of connective words, passive voice in all tenses, relative pronouns, expansion of the imperative, past perfect, numbers before nouns, and numerous exercises on this topic.
Textbook: Contemporary Written Arabic Language Course (Fisher/Jastrow) Volume 1.
Information regarding the current textbook for your course is available in the course booking instructions
Speaking Topics: Using Arabic computer programs/watching movies. Discussing religious holidays (Christmas), looking for an apartment, conversations at the bank, birthday, writing a resume, at the library, talking about severe weather, discussing different news texts, fairy tales and other topics. Songs and poems, picture stories and picture descriptions. Choosing an Arabic newspaper, reading out an article and explaining it with your own words, presenting the article in class.
Planned Grammar Topics: Repetition of grammar through various exercises, translating sentences into German, extension of linking words, the word "itself" نفس / كل / جميع / بعض , expansion of the plural, numbers with nouns and dates, linking words, participle and numerous exercises on these topics.
Textbook: Contemporary Written Arabic Language Course (Fisher/Jastrow) Volume 1.
Information regarding the current textbook for your course is available in the course booking instructions
Speaking Topics: Using Arabic computer programs/watching movies. Speaking about Arab countries, discussing weather conditions and storms, making inscriptions, conversations at the exchange office, discussing various news texts, telling fairy tales and much more ... Songs and poems, picture stories and picture descriptions. Selecting a poet or a writer, memorizing a poem discussing it in class.
Planned Grammar Topics: Review of grammar through various exercises (plurals, negation, interrogative particle, verbs in all tenses, strong and weak verbs, translating sentences into German, revision of linking words, the word "self" نفس , expanding on adjectives and elatives.
Can understand the main ideas of complex text on both concrete and abstract topics, including technical discussions in his/her field of specialisation. Can interact with a degree of fluency and spontaneity that makes regular interaction with mother-tongue speakers quite possible without strain for either party. Can produce clear, detailed text on a wide range of subjects and explain a point of view on a topical issue giving the advantages and disadvantages of various options.
Textbook: A Course of Modern Written Arabic.
Information regarding the current textbook for your course is available in the course booking instructions
Speaking Topics: Using Arabic computer programs/watching movies. Country study: Lebanon. Writing business letters, reading a presidential speech, holding a press conference, speaking about means of transportation, analyzing different news texts, reading and discussing fairy tales and other topics. Songs and poems, picture stories and picture descriptions. Choosing a political, cultural or economic topic, giving a presentation about it and discussing it with other students.
Planned Grammar Topics: Revision of grammar through various exercises, translating sentences into German and other activities.
Textbook: A Course of Modern Written Arabic.
Information regarding the current textbook for your course is available in the course booking instructions
Speaking Topics: Use Arabic computer programs/watch movies. Reading and discussing a presidential speech, holding a press conference, talking about oil, analyzing important Arabic series, speaking about special places, discussing different news texts, reading and discussing fairy tales and much more... Songs and poems, picture stories and picture descriptions.
Choosing a fairy tale, giving a talk about it and discussing it with other students.
Planned Grammar Topics: Repetition of grammar through various exercises, translating sentences into German, the word "self" نفس , elative, adverbs and other topics.
Textbook: A Course of Modern Written Arabic.
Information regarding the current textbook for your course is available in the course booking instructions
Speaking Topics: Using Arabic computer programs/watching movies. Dictation and vocabulary test. Conversations at the hotel, in a store, talking about weather, learning proverbs, speaking about the village, Arabic jokes, Arabs abroad, postcard from Baghdad, conversations in the exchange office, talking about a desert, fairy tales and other topics. Songs and poems, picture stories and picture descriptions. Holding a presentation about two previously interviewed Arabic-speaking people.
Planned Grammar Topics: Reviewing grammar through various exercises, translating sentences, the word "self" نفس , revision of the linking words: أن ، إن و لكن , using بعض , expanding the verb groups, time clauses (while, if, as soon as...), correct use of dates, linking genitives with ذو / ذات and numerous relevant exercises.
Can understand a wide range of demanding, longer texts, and recognise implicit meaning. Can express him/herself fluently and spontaneously without much obvious searching for expressions. Can use language flexibly and effectively for social, academic and professional purposes. Can produce clear, well-structured, detailed text on complex subjects, showing controlled use of organisational patterns, connectors and cohesive devices.
Can understand with ease virtually everything heard or read. Can summarise information from different spoken and written sources, reconstructing arguments and explanations in a coherent presentation. Can express him/herself spontaneously, very fluently and precisely, differentiating finer shades of meaning even in the most complex situations.