Can understand and use familiar everyday expressions and very basic phrases aimed at the satisfaction of needs of a concrete type. Can introduce him/herself and others and can ask and answer questions about personal details such as where he/she lives, people he/she knows and things he/she owns. Can interact in a simple way provided the other person talks slowly and clearly and is prepared to help.
Textbook: Kolay gelsin! New A1-A2 Turkish for beginners. Course book with audio CD.
Information regarding the current textbook for your course is available in the course booking instructions.
Speaking Topics: Greeting, saying good-bye, asking how someone is doing, stating nationality, asking where someone is from, speaking about countries and cities, stating where one lives, describing course environment, asking about occupation, talking about family, introducing family members, talking about activities, speaking about age, discussing language skills, describing places and professions, talking about leisure activities.
Planned Grammar Topics: Major vowel harmony, personal pronouns, personal suffixes, suffix -lİ, interrogative particle -mİ, minor vowel harmony, locative -DE, consonant assimilation, suffix -Cİ, present tense -İyor, plural suffix -lEr, possessive pronouns and suffixes, the use of "have", vowel drop, consonant softening, genitive, genitive-possessive conjunction, present -İyor on verb stems e-a, equative suffix -CE, suffix -lİk, modal verb (istemek), dative and ablative, postpositions için and ile.
Textbook: Kolay gelsin! New A1-A2 Turkish for beginners. Course book with audio CD.
Information regarding the current textbook for your course is available in the course booking instructions.
Speaking Topics: Talking about everyday life, telling the time, speaking about days of the week and times of the day, speaking and asking about the past, discussing shopping and eating habits, practicing shopping dialogues, asking about the price, talking about clothes and colors, talking about food, ordering in a restaurant, formulating suggestions, expressing wishes and intentions.
Planned Grammar Topics: Praeterite verb tense, postpositions önce/sonra, finite clauses with -mek için, imperative structures, possessive compounds, pronominal "n" in accusative, suffixes -lİ and sİz, voluntative structures, reciprocal suffix -(İ)ş, temporal function word idi, 3rd person imperative.
Can understand sentences and frequently used expressions related to areas of most immediate relevance (e.g. very basic personal and family information, shopping, local geography, employment). Can communicate in simple and routine situations requiring a simple and direct exchange of information on familiar and routine matters. Can describe in simple terms aspects of his/her background, immediate environment and matters in areas of immediate need.
Textbook: Kolay gelsin! New A1-A2 Turkish for beginners. Course book with audio CD.
Information regarding the current textbook for your course is available in the course booking instructions.
Speaking Topics: Talking about vacations, refering to future activities, describing places, describing the way, speaking about seasons, dates and vacation habits, using phrases for visiting, talking about relatives, describing appearance and character traits, talking about curriculum vitae, describing habits and events of the past, discussing childhood memories, describing conditions in the past.
Planned Grammar Topics: Future tense -(y)EcEk, infinitive structures -mEyE başlamak and -mEyİ sevmek, place nouns used as postpositions, the aorist tense, adjectival suffix -ki, postposition -beri, rendering of the verb "fallen", diminutive suffix -CİK, temporal clauses with -diktEn sonra and -mEdEn önce, comparative and superlative adjectives, imperfect -(İ)yordu, postposition -gibi, temporal clauses with -(y)ken/iken
Textbook: Kolay gelsin! New A1-A2 Turkish for beginners. Course book with audio CD.
Information regarding the current textbook for your course is available in the course booking instructions.
Speaking Topics: Providing details about living conditions and situations, describing rooms, speaking about furniture and household appliances, talking about neighbors and neighborhoods, describing apartments, talking about housework, talking about clothing styles, discussing everyday work, making appointments, practicing shopping dialogues (e.g. buying clothing), formulating polite requests, naming body parts and talking about illnesses and symptoms, speaking to doctors, sharing ideas about health and lifestyles.
Planned Grammar Topics: Ordinal numeral suffix -(İ)ncİ, verbal adverb with -(y)İp, suffix -lİk, the use of the modal verb "must", postpositions göre, başka, rağmen, itibaren and doğru, substantive suffix -ki, the use of the modal verb "can", verbal adverb with -(y)E, time clauses with -(y)ken/iken, indefinite pronoun, postpositions dolayı, yüzünden and sayesinde, verbal adverbs with - (y)ErEk and -mEdEn, necessity suffix -mElİ, perfect tense -mİş, evidential suffixes imiş -(y)mİş.
Textbook: Kolay gelsin! New A1-A2 Turkish for beginners. Course book with audio CD.
Information regarding the current textbook for your course is available in the course booking instructions.
Speaking Topics: Talking about career goals and aspirations, understanding job postings, discussing artists and their works, reproducing thoughts and speeches, expressing future plans, speaking about aspirations, conducting a survey, reporting on habits, talking about celebrations and holidays, formulating and setting conditions, speaking about famous people, understanding and retelling biographies, reading and reporting on an interview, describing one’s interests.
Planned Grammar Topics: Participle -(y)En, copula suffix -Dİr, passive voice, causative suffixes, literal speech with diye, verbal adverb with -(y)İncE, postposition tarafından, conditional clauses with ise/-(y)sE, relative clauses with -DİK participle + possessive suffixes, time clauses with -Diği zaman, concessive clauses with -Dİğİ halde, complementary clauses (that-clauses) with -DİK and -(y)EcEk, past perfect forms with -mİştİ, temporal clauses with -DiğİndEn beri, complementary clauses (that-clauses) with the short infinitive -mE, word formation suffixes.
Can understand the main points of clear standard input on familiar matters regularly encountered at work, school, leisure etc. Can deal with most situations likely to arise whilst travelling in an area where the language is spoken. Can produce simple connected text on topics which are familiar or of personal interest. Can describe experiences and events, dreams, hopes and ambitions and briefly give reasons and explanations for opinions and plans.
Textbook: Kolay gelsin! B1 Turkish for Advanced Students. Coursebook and Workbook with Audio CD.
Information regarding the current textbook for your course is available in the course booking instructions.
Speaking Topics (recommended): Speaking about learning the Turkish language, getting to know neighbors, discussing advantages and disadvantages of learning methods, reading and discussing newspaper articles about the life of Germans in Turkey, talking about traveling and sightseeing, understanding and relaying travel information, advising how to spend one‘s vacation, describing living environment and places of residence, sharing impressions of various vacation spots, talking about lifestyles and quality of life, describing home and neighborhoods, talking about city and country life, agreeing and disagreeing in discussions, making counter-arguments, expressing unreal and hypothetical facts, wishes and dreams.
Planned Grammar Topics: Temporal clauses with -DiktEn sonra, -mEdEn önce, causal clauses with -Diğİ/ -(y)EcEği için, -DiğİndEn, verbal adverb with -mEdEn, indefinite pronouns, Verbal adverb with -(y)ErEk, causative clauses with -DİğİndEn dolayı/ötürü, relative clauses with -Dİk/-(y)EcEk + possessive suffixes, the aorist past tense -(E/İ)r + idi, relative clauses with participle -(y)En without reference word, direct and indirect speech -Dİğİnİ / (y)EcEğİniİ söylemek, indirect questions -(y)İp -mEdİğİnİ/-mEyEcEğini sormak, unreal and potential conditional sentence -sE + idi/-sE, unreal and potential desirable sentences with keşke + -sE /-sEydİ.
Textbook: Kolay gelsin! B1 Turkish for Advanced Students. Coursebook and Workbook with Audio CD.
Information regarding the current textbook for your course is available in the course booking instructions.
Speaking Topics (recommended): speaking about festivals, customs and Islamic holidays, reflecting on personal goals and intentions, understanding and formulating advice/requests/demands, speaking about birthdays, discussing media and TV characters (Turkish TV series), talking about movies, expressing one‘s feelings, describing oneself and others, speaking about quarrels, conflicts and interpersonal relations.
Planned Grammar Topics: Time clauses with -(E/İ)r..-mEz, time clauses with -Dİğİ zaman/-DİğİndE, finite clauses with -mEk için, -mEsİ için / voluntative or imperative structures with -diye, indirect rendering of request sentences -mEsİnİ istemek, rica etmek. Subject clauses -Diğİ tespit edildi / gözlendi, pluperfect verbs with -mİştİ, continuative clause -mEktE, the use of tenses in formal texts, reflexive pronoun kendi, recicprocal pronoun birbiri, complementary clauses with -Dik/-(y)EcEk participle and short infinitive -mE, concessive clauses -mEsİnE rağmen/karşın, -Diğİ halde, sE bile/-dE
Textbook: Kolay gelsin! B1 Turkish for Advanced Students. Coursebook and Workbook with Audio CD.
Information regarding the current textbook for your course is available in the course booking instructions.
Speaking Topics: Talking about school/education and the Turkish education system, describing one‘s own school and professional career, talking about needs and opportunities in school and work life, discussing eating habits, expressing opinions, thoughts, intentions, analyzing disputes and conflicts, speaking about Turkish food and host culture, describing conditions for a healthy lifestyle.
Planned Grammar Topics: Distributive suffix -(ş)Er, modal clauses -Diğİ / -(y)EcEği gibi, verbal adverb with -(y)Elİ, modals -mEsİ gerekmek, past tense and future tense-(y)EcEk + idi, Complementary clauses with -Dik/-(y)EcEk participle and short infinitive -mE, causal clauses with -DiğİnE/-(y)EceğİnE göre, temporal clauses with -DikÇE.
Can understand the main ideas of complex text on both concrete and abstract topics, including technical discussions in his/her field of specialisation. Can interact with a degree of fluency and spontaneity that makes regular interaction with mother-tongue speakers quite possible without strain for either party. Can produce clear, detailed text on a wide range of subjects and explain a point of view on a topical issue giving the advantages and disadvantages of various options.
Textbook: Istanbul Yabancılar için Türkçe Ders Kitabı / Istanbul Turkish for Foreigners – Coursebook.
Information regarding the current textbook for your course is available in the course booking instructions.
Speaking Topics: The following topics will be discussed: housing problems, moving, neighborhood description, a dream house, favorite cities, work life, job responsibilities, working conditions, career choice, successes in life.
Planned Grammar Topics: Imperfect -yordu, temporal clauses with -(y)ken, the verbal adverb with -(y)ArAk, -(y)A, -(y)A, verbal nouns with -mAK / -mA), -(y)Iş, indirect Speech.
Textbook: Istanbul Yabancılar için Türkçe Ders Kitabı / Istanbul Turkish for Foreigners – Coursebook.
Information regarding the current textbook for your course is available in the course booking instructions.
Speaking Topics: The following topics will be discussed: health, nutrition, illnesses, medicinal herbs, sports, interview with an athlete, education system, the role of school and education, learning foreign languages, raising children, weaknesses and strengths (talents).
Planned Grammar Topics: Necessity suffix -mElİ, the use of modals verbs „must/should“ (gerek/lazım/zorunda/mecbur), past tense of necessity verbs with -mElİ + İdİ, verbal adverbs with (-mAk için/mAsI için/-mAk üzere), (-mAktAnsA/-mAsInA rağmen ), -A rağmen / -sA bile).
Textbook: Istanbul Yabancılar için Türkçe Ders Kitabı / Istanbul Turkish for Foreigners – Coursebook.
Information regarding the current textbook for your course is available in the course booking instructions.
Speaking Topics: The following topics will be discussed: dreams, goals, superstitions, friendship, family relationships, neighborhood care, interpersonal relations, international relations.
Planned Grammar Topics: Desire clauses, conditional clauses (real and potential), unreal conditional clause, reciprocal suffix -(İ)ş, verbal adverbs (-IncA, Ir /-mAz), (-DIğIndAn beri -(y)AlI, -DI -(y)AlI
Can understand a wide range of demanding, longer texts, and recognise implicit meaning. Can express him/herself fluently and spontaneously without much obvious searching for expressions. Can use language flexibly and effectively for social, academic and professional purposes. Can produce clear, well-structured, detailed text on complex subjects, showing controlled use of organisational patterns, connectors and cohesive devices.
Can understand with ease virtually everything heard or read. Can summarise information from different spoken and written sources, reconstructing arguments and explanations in a coherent presentation. Can express him/herself spontaneously, very fluently and precisely, differentiating finer shades of meaning even in the most complex situations.