Language Swap

Find language learning partners with the help of a language swap ad. It is free and the language exchange (tandem) can be organized independently.

Should you be more interested in learning a language in a classroom environment, we recommend attending a course.

Please visit following pages for more detailed information on our German Courses and Foreign Language Courses.


How Does the Language Swap Work?

If you wish to teach a language and be taught another in exchange, please input your information into our database by filling out the appropriate form. This will result in your offer being posted on the bulletin board (e.g.: “Offer German, seek Albanian”). Obviously, you can also look for a suitable learning partner by browsing the offers already available on the bulletin board. Once you have found a potential learning partner, all you need to do is to contact her/him by email.

Your offer will be kept on the bulletin board for three months.

After posting your ad, you will receive an editing link via e-mail. Following the link will allow you to edit, prolong or delete your ad at any time. 

151 Results

Elli, 42


Offering: German,

Search: Spanish,

preferred learning setting: Präsenzlernen

bailar, tocar el piano, acrobacias, personas interesantes

I would like to improve this language because...:
Me gusta aprender cosas nuevas. Aprendí español en el colegio (hace muchos años), pero ya no sé nada. Me gustaría aprenderlo y divertirme haciéndolo. El viaje es la recompensa. :)

I especially want to improve the following areas:
Sobre todo, quiero poder entender y hablar mejor.

Online since 05.01.2025

Dunja, 39

Psychotherapy / Critical community psychology

Offering: Croatian,

Search: German

preferred learning setting: Präsenzlernen

Meine Interessen sind vielfältig und wachsen ständig :) Ich bin ziemlich neu in Wien und erkunde die Stadt gern.

Ich gehe gern zu kulturellen Veranstaltungen, Ausstellungen und Vorträgen zu den verschiedensten Themen. Ich bin gern aktiv, fahre Rad, gehe spazieren oder erkunde einfach spontan die Stadt oder lese in Cafés. Ich liebe Sport. Ich erkunde gern verschiedene Kulturen und genieße daher eine Vielzahl internationaler Veranstaltungen und Gerichte aus aller Welt.

Ich liebe alle Arten von Psychotherapie.
Ich mag soziale Bewegungen, revolutionäre Ideen und kritische Perspektiven auf die Gesellschaft, in der wir leben.
Ich liebe kritische Psychologie, Gemeinschaftspsychologie und Befreiungspsychologie.

Ich reise gern. Ich habe in den USA, Großbritannien, Chile, Spanien und Kroatien gelebt. Ich bin Psychologin und studiere und mache derzeit meine Ausbildung in Psychotherapie hier in Wien sowie in Barcelona, ​​Spanien.

I would like to improve this language because...:
I want to learn German because I want to integrate myself into this society and be able to go to cultural and other type of events, meetings, cinema and lectures in German. I also want to possibly practice psychotherapy in German.

I especially want to improve the following areas:
I would like to improve more than anything my speaking, but of course my listening also needs improvement and I would appreciate any help also with the grammar (not needed if you don’t feel comfortable with grammar )

Online since 03.01.2025

Dunja, 39

Psychotherapy / Critical community psychology

Offering: English,

Search: German

preferred learning setting: Präsenzlernen

My interests are varied and always growing :) I am fairly new to Vienna and enjoy exploring the city.

I enjoy going to cultural events, exhibitions and lectures on a variety of topics. I enjoy being active, cycling, going for walks, or simply randomly exploring the city or reading in cafes. I love sports. I enjoy exploring different cultures and therefore enjoy a variety of international events and cuisine from all over the world.

I love all kinds of psychotherapy.
I enjoy social movements, revolutionary ideas and critical perspectives of the society we live in.
I love critical psychology, community psychology and liberation psychology.

I love travelling. I have lived in the USA, the UK, Chile, Spain and Croatia. I am a psychologist and I am currently studying and doing my training in psychotherapy here in Vienna as well as in Barcelona, Spain.

I would like to improve this language because...:
I want to learn German because I want to integrate myself into this society and be able to go to cultural and other type of events, meetings, cinema and lectures in German. I also want to possibly practice psychotherapy in German.

I especially want to improve the following areas:
I would like to improve more than anything my speaking, but of course my listening also needs improvement and I would appreciate any help also with the grammar (not needed if you don’t feel comfortable with grammar )

Online since 03.01.2025

Samanda Zobl , 24


Offering: German,

Search: English, C1

preferred learning setting: Präsenzlernen

Musik, Schreiben, Coaching, Sprachen

Music, Writing, Coaching, Langauges

I would like to improve this language because...:
Ich möchte dieses Sprache besser lernen, um Englisch sicher auch in kreativen Bereich anwenden zu können.

I want to improve my English to use it confidently when I‘m doing creative work.

I especially want to improve the following areas:
Schreiben und Grammatik

Writing and Grammar

Ich schreibe auf Englisch Kurzgeschichten und Gedichte, bin mir aber im kreativen Bereich oft unsicher, was man sagen kann und was nicht. Daher suche ich jemanden, der mit mir kreative Texte austauschen möchte, um so die Zielsprache auf ungewöhnliche Art zu lernen :)

Wenn du Lust hast, kreative Texte in unterschiedlichen Sprachen auszutauschen oder Spaß daran hast, bei einem Kaffee über kreative Texte zu reden freue ich mich über deine Nachricht!

I write short stories and poems in English but I‘m often unsure about the boundaries of artistic freedom in poems and short stories. That‘s why I am looking for someone to exchange creative texts with and learn a language in an unusual way :)

If you enjoy exchanging creative texts in different languages or love discussing them over a cup of coffee send me a message!

Online since 03.01.2025

Yharmant , 30


Offering: Spanish,

Search: ,

preferred learning setting: Präsenzlernen

I love traveling, playing sports and learning about the culture of Austria and the people who live here..

I would like to improve this language because...:
I want to improve my German for university

I especially want to improve the following areas:
I want to improve my listening and writing skills

Online since 02.01.2025

Wolfgang, 32

IT (Software engineer)

Offering: German, C2

Search: English, A2

preferred learning setting: Präsenzlernen

Hi im native german speaker and looking for someone in vienna to train english and i can help with german.

Online since 31.12.2024

Kyoko, 58

BA Pianistin

Offering: Japanese,

Search: German, C1

I would like to improve this language because...:
Hallo. Ich heiße Kyoko ,eine japanerin,die lebe jetzt seit 14 Jahren in Wien. Ich möchte an der Uni Wien Jura studieren, dafür im Frühling soll ich ÖSD C1 ablegen. Danach ein Jahr lang Latein lernen um die Aufnahmeprüfung 2026 abzulegen.

I especially want to improve the following areas:
Sprechen. Hören

Von mir können Sie höfliche und genaue japanische Sprachberatung erwarten.
Weil ich Zeit zur zeit Japanisch unterrichte und lese auch Texte Korrektur.

Online since 31.12.2024

Offering: German,

Search: Spanish, A2

preferred learning setting: Präsenzlernen

Sport, Reisen, Kino, Politik / deporte, viajes, cine, política

I would like to improve this language because...:
ich gerne im spanischen Sprachraum mehr auf Reisen gehen möchte. / Me gustaría viajar por el mundo hispanohablante.

I especially want to improve the following areas:
sprechen und hören / hablar y escuchar

Ich kann auch helfen, Englisch zu lernen. / También puedo ayudarte a aprender inglés.

Online since 27.12.2024

Pilar , 43


Offering: Spanish,

Search: German, C1

Natur& Erziehung & Reisen

Ich will meine deutsche Sprache üben. Ich hab in Wien gewohnt, aber jetzt bin in Chile.
Mi idioma materno es español. Tengo experiencia en turismo y pedagogía.
I would like to practice English as well. I work with German language and I don't speak English anymore.

I would like to improve this language because...:
Ich Sprachlehrerin bin :-)

I especially want to improve the following areas:

Online since 23.12.2024

Shirlyn, 27

Data Science

Offering: English,

Search: German, A2

preferred learning setting: Präsenzlernen

I am generally interested in knowing and experiencing new people/cultures. I enjoy dancing, short walks in the nature and listening to some laid back music.

I would like to improve this language because...:
I have been living in Vienna for a little over a year now and would love to improve my German to better intergrate with the people here as I hope to stay in Austria for some time.

I especially want to improve the following areas:
Speaking and listening

I am from Kenya, so I speak Swahili as well (if you are interested) but I am mostly looking to offer English in exchange of learning German.

Online since 23.12.2024