Registration for VWU students

"I must take the EPD and other supplementary examinations in additional subjects."

Students who need to pass other supplementary examinations than German (English, Mathematics, Geography, History, Chemistry, Biology or Physics) must have correct and complex language proficiency. A placement result FG or WF is necessary.

The Sprachenzentum will e-mail you the result and a registration at VWU in Sechshauser Straße will be possible.

Step 1 - Wait for your placement result

Your teacher will tell you your placement result (course level for your next semester) on the last day of class. We will additionally e-mail you your placement result a few days later.

Step 2 – Is your placement result FG or WF? = Registration at VWU

Register at VWU in Sechshauser Straße 33A, 1150 Wien no later than September 11, 2020. For further information please visit .

Step 3 - Is your placement result AN, AV or EV? = Registration at the Sprachenzentrum

Option 1: Retake your placement exam!

Take a German course in the summer. If you can show us your course certificate when registering for the course, you may take the placement test (= repetition of your placement exam) again. Note that the result is valid and could change for the worse!

Click here to see our summer courses

Summer intensive courses German

Summer (Evening) Courses German

If your result of the placement test is FG or WF we will email you the result two days after the test approximately.

Is the result of your placement test FG or WF? = See step 2!


Option 2: Register for the next course without repeating the placement exam

See: "I would like to attend the next course at the Sprachenzentrum!"

Important deadlines and terms of cancellation

Deadlines for the winter semester 2020 (for continuing students):

Registration date: 21.08. – 20.09.2020 (appointments available as of 07.08.2020)
Course details by e-mail: 28.09.2020


Placement Test Schedule (registration is mandatory):

  • Placement test for offline courses: 27.8., 3.9., 10.9., 21.9.
  • Placement test for online courses: 10.9., 21.9.


Cancelling the VWU German course is only possible with a certificate of exmatriculation or an admission as a degree programme student until 16.09.2020. There will be no refunds after this date. Please bring the relevant confirmation of the university and a confirmation of the health insurance (ÖGK - Österreichische Gesundheitskasse - former WGKK).